about me

 Samford Clock Tower

Hey ya’ll! My name is Macey Cleary, the girl behind “nashvilledreaming.”

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I am 21 years old and a senior at Auburn University.

I am studying public relations with a minor in leadership. My dream is to work in Nashville in the music industry, hence the name nashvilledreaming.

What I love:

Photography, traveling, sunflowers, a good bargain, quality time with friends and family, Chipotle and the occasional binge watching of Netflix.

Why am I writing?

This blog is all about internships. From my past internship to important advice interns need. The world of internships can be confusing so I hope this blog will help in any way possible.

I also want to share my passion for travel and photography, you can find a few posts about those topics too.

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Follow nashvilledreaming on twitter {@nashdreaming} , instagram {nashvilledreaming}, and like on Facebook {nashvilledreaming}.

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